Friends of Brook Park: World Beneath the Pavement

A living blog and composting archive of updates, fun announcements, crucial reports and other wonderful information for new volunteers, recent participants and stalwart supporters alike!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Liberty and Ellis Islands: Public Comment

Dear Friends,

As many of you know, the USCG, National Parks Department and Homeland
Security are planning to expand the security zone around Liberty and Ellis
Islands. Among other things, the new zone will eliminate crossing between
the islands, push boaters closer to the channel, into rougher water
and higher density motor vehicle traffic.

About 6 weeks ago a number of paddlers had the opportunity to express their
concerns face to face with LCDR Mike McBrady, who heads up the Waterway
Management Division of USCG Sector New York. He followed up the exchange
with an email which stated that if the human powered community proposed a "
'kayaker corridor' between/behind the islands [to] improve safety while not
being detrimental to security (i.e. kayaks are small and slow and not the
vector of choice for terrorists trying to injure land based tourists or sink
vessels) that would definitely be considered as an option by the USCG and

Many members of our community have already written letters and filed them
with Homeland Security, including Rob Buchanan for Village Community
Boathouse, Tim Gamble for Red Hook Boaters, Ilene Levenson for the Sebago
Canoe Club. There may be many more -- those are just the ones I am aware

The Guild has also written a letter, and working with Rob & Tim, we have
drafted 3 proposals for the consideration of the USCG and National Parks.
(We submitted three because the Coast Guard encouraged us to submit more
than one proposed solution to the concerns we've raised). Please go to our
website to read the letter and review the proposed solutions to the problems
the new zone would cause.

If you support maintaining a human powered boat corridor around and between
Liberty and Ellis Islands, please register, via the form provide, and we
will add your name, or organization, to the list of "signatories" to our
letter. This link will take you directly to the registration page.

The public comment period for this proposed expansion ends July 7th, but due
to the holiday, we will be filing the final letter & charts with Homeland
Security on Wednesday, July 3rd, this week.

Many Thanks,
Bill Bergeron


Monday, June 16, 2008

Friends of Brook Park film on YOU TUBE

Hi Friends,

The Friends of Brook Park film produced in collaboration with the NYU students of Professor Mark Read is now posted on YouTube!!!

Check it out at

Make comments, send to friends, write checks.

Please share and distribute it, as it is our intention to use this as a vehicle for education, AND fundraising!

Online giving at:

Thanks for all you do!

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Monday, June 09, 2008

Hydrology Study Prepared for Underground Brook!

We are making progress, thanks to you.

With the leadership and dedication of Aaron Petersohn, B.Arch. of Ira N. Pierce, P.E.,P.C.
Engineers+Architects+Planners+Environmental Scientists
we now have the estimate for the hydrology study at Brook Park.
which will help us identify the location and flow of the underground brook.

The Capital Project we are working on with the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation will feature the "daylighting" of this natural water feature, with enhancements from the recovered water from adjacent roofs.

Please contact:
Council Member Melissa Mark Viverito
105 E. 116th Street
New York, NY 10029

Send a postcard or letter with thanks for her support and encouraging her efforts to have the Parks Department fund the hydrology study prepared by our environmental engineering consultants in a speedy manner. The Parks Department has already funded a previous soil study, but the outlined work plan we have prepared is what is needed to move this initiative forward.


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