Tree Museum Features FoBP
Friends of Brook Park's Harry Bubbins was invited to participate in the Tree Museum.
100 trees give voice to 100 perspectives featured in the Grand Concourse's TREE MUSEUM. Irish artist Katie Holten created this public art project to celebrate the communities and ecosystems along this 100 year-old boulevard. Visitors will be able to listen in on local trivia and the intimate lives of trees offered by current and former residents: from beekeepers to rappers, historians to gardeners, school kids to scientists.
Visitors will be able to start their visit to the TREE MUSEUM at any point along the Grand Concourse. Look for the sidewalk markers identifying trees with stories.
Once the TREE MUSEUM opens on June 21, 2009, visitors will be able to call 718-408-2501 to access the audio guide, or download a podcast of the audio guide here.
FoBP Director Harry Bubbins narrates tree #13, an American Elm.
"I thought it important to have included indigenous perspectives in this project. Gentrification and displacement are a centuries long narrative." Bronx born an raised Harry Bubbins said of his participation in this effort. He was assigned the American Elm at Franz Siegal park. Franz Siegal was a revolutionary who fled Germany after working to overthrow the government there. "My research revealed an Iroquois prophecy with great relevance for today as they predicted the "Dutch Elm disease" now killing most of these trees in this region. It underscores the need for restoration and alternative models of social organizing."
To hear Harry's narrative, call 718-408-2501 #13.
To learn more visit:
Omowale Adewale, Jessica Arcate, Barbara Barnes, Adrian Bejan, TJ Bess, Cheryl Blaylock, Sergio Bessa, China Blue, BombaYo, Lurry Boyd, Bronx Writing Academy Students, Harry Bubbins, Valerie Capers, Sabrina Cardenales, Majora Carter, William Casari, Shephard Chapman, Genesis Concepcion, Charles Day, Peter Derrick, FeSS, Patricia Foody, Omar Freilla, Mark Hill, Clarisel Gonzalez, Sam Goodman, Jennifer Greenfeld, Damian Griffin, Fritz Haeg, Helen Ho, Joyce Hogi, Sid Horenstein, Walter Houston, DJ Jazzy Jay, Mitchell Joachim, James Kane, Michael Kugler, Amilcar Laboy, Klaus Lackner, Juanita Lanzo, Carlos Lazarte, Adrian LeBlanc, Daniel Libeskind, Bill Logan, Uli Lorimer, Lindsey Lusher Shute, Amanda Matles, E.J. McAdams, Kim McLeveighn, Toshiko Mori, Griffith Morris, Francis Morrone, Thomas Navin, Jose Ortiz, Nora Peña, Glenn Phillips, Andrea Polli, Jonathan Pywell, Roger Repohl, Josue Rodriguez, Maria Rodriguez, Eric Sanderson, Kate Shackford, Laurie Spiegel, TATS CRU, Lloyd Ultan, Karen Washington, Dart Westphal, Bernie Williams, Eleanore Wurtzel
Labels: dutch elm disease, franz siegal, harry bubbins, iroquois, tree museum
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