Friends of Brook Park: World Beneath the Pavement

A living blog and composting archive of updates, fun announcements, crucial reports and other wonderful information for new volunteers, recent participants and stalwart supporters alike!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Harlem River Patrol and Urban Divers Ecology Center

On March 3rd the Friends of Brook Park conducted it's regular River Patrol, on the Harlem River with Riverkeeper Volunteer watchdogs Harry and Robert paddling north from the South Bronx to survey the water and shore and attend an event at the exciting Urban Divers Ecology Center.

The Urban Divers are more than just on individual and while we were there numerous people form the community came through and received a tour from the SUNY Maritime intern MaryAnn who showed horse shoe crabs, turtles and more!

On the trip we saw red tail hawks, a wild white wolfish dog and the growing debris pile just south of Bridge park that Riverkeepr is working to get cleaned up.

The 145th Street Bridge has and will be under construction for replacement, just recently the entire bridge was gone. Now, with pieces more and more being put into place from barges and tugboats stationed along the narrow estuary, it is imperative that safety procedures and signage be appropriately displayed and protocols be adhered to. This is not the case currently!!!

On more than one occasion, while paddling with only experienced adults in these colder months, we have had to watch for zipping boats across the Harlem River, with a barge crane recently dumping tons of rocks to the bottom for some inexplicable reason.

On Sunday, while following the signs guiding the "Open Channel" we faced head on a barge and tug pushing up the wrong way without a guide boat and with no warnings whatsoever!!!

See the attached pics I snapped when realizing my colleague would be able to out-paddle the oncoming barge, showing the sign, the kayaker and the steaming barge...

If we were motor boats a collision would have happened no doubt.

Who is responsible for this? Construction companies should be monitored and not allowed to cut costs on our waterways!!!