Friends of Brook Park: World Beneath the Pavement

A living blog and composting archive of updates, fun announcements, crucial reports and other wonderful information for new volunteers, recent participants and stalwart supporters alike!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Before PlaNYC2030...

Dear Friends!

Summer Solstice is coming upon us and we have been productive in so many ways. More than a decade before PlaNYC2030 was announced, we have been engaged in numerous initiatives to make our city more green and livable. You know know how important our work is, so please give today.

Tell your family members and friends who are fortunate enough to be able to give that you are with us. Contact me if you want our assistance to introduce your network to our efforts and check out the convenient click links below.

Spring has been flowerful and we are already eating greens and radishes! We have accomplished much in a very short time:

* Working with youth, we have all ages in garden, the only exposure to Nature for them in the area

* Our Green Team members were featured on radio and in a TimeOut magazine

* We met nationally known author of The End Of Nature, Bill McKibben

* Won a national photo contest by American Rivers

* Had our Director featured as an awarded community planner through MAS

* Presented at Columbia University, local high schools and more

* Host ongoing educational and holistic indigenous cultural events

* Moving forward with developing a park on the Harlem River,0,732270.story?coll=am-topheadlnes

* Were awarded a grant to plant almost 100 trees in the area

* Leading the effort to protect Randall’s Island

* Expanded our eco paddles on our local rivers.

Thanks to your support, from volunteering, to emailing our elected officials, we have been doing our part. Now, we need you at this time to make a generous contribution.

Send to:
Friends of Brook Park
PO Box 801
The Bronx, NY 10454

Thank you for your investment in our efforts. Thank you for your contribution today.